How to Communicate the Level of Effort Needed for Salesforce Enhancements

Salesforce Project - Brainiate Show

Estimated reading time: 12 minutes

Miriam was a Salesforce Admin at Collectible Books, Inc., and loved her job. She had been with the company for years and was delighted to be able to use her skills to help them grow their business. Miriam didn’t love the constant changes that kept getting requested from business leaders about all of her open projects. 

At first, Miriam thought it was great that everyone wanted to get involved in improving the projects she worked on. Still, as time went on, these requests began causing frustration for everyone on the team, including herself – no one seemed to understand how much effort it would take to make some of these changes and these misaligned expectations. 

So after many weeks of trying different strategies, such as emailing detailed reports or having face-to-face meetings with stakeholders, Miriam finally found a way forward when she invested some time into researching best practices for communicating project requirements and estimating timelines. This enabled her to explain in plain language the level of effort required for each change request – something business leaders could easily understand before agreeing to any new modifications or additions being made within an existing project timeline. 

This knowledge allowed Miriam not only help ensure that everyone was now on the same page regarding what could be achieved within specific deadlines but also empowered business leaders by giving them more information when making decisions about whether or not they should hold off specific changes until future iterations or adjust current project timelines accordingly depending on what else needed doing for successful completion of tasks at hand. 

With this newfound understanding between all parties involved, everything started running smoother than ever, thanks mainly to Miriam’s efforts in learning how best to communicate levels of effort associated with specific work items – something which ultimately saved time and money for Collectible Books Inc.


As Salesforce admins, communication with stakeholders is critical in successfully delivering impactful results. Whether you need to communicate the scope of a task or the project’s desired outcome, everyone must stay on the same page throughout the process. That’s why accurately estimating and communicating the effort needed for Salesforce changes can be highly beneficial. With this knowledge, you will be set up for success as you better manage expectations among your team members and other stakeholders! In this blog post, we’ll discuss tips on properly determining and conveying the effort needed when implementing changes within Salesforce. Let’s get started!

Understand the Basics of the Level of Effort

The level of effort is a crucial component to consider when managing any Salesforce project. It’s the amount of time and resources allocated to tasks or actions to complete a project. This could mean how many people might be needed for the job, how long it will take, or which specific resources are necessary to complete each task.

Because Salesforce projects are complex, having an accurate level of effort is critical for any successful project. Correctly estimating the level of effort requires careful consideration and analysis of the scope of work. This includes understanding the objectives, requirements, timeline, deliverables, and other related factors affecting the scope of work and expected outcomes. By accurately assessing all these aspects beforehand, project managers can create realistic timelines with achievable goals aligned with their organization’s objectives.

Once you’ve assessed the scope and estimated the level of effort for your Salesforce project, ensure your team has access to all the resources needed for success. This means dedicating enough personnel to complete the job on time and within budget and determining whether any specialized training or certifications are required to meet specific goals and expectations. As Salesforce projects often require many moving pieces, ensuring everyone involved is on board with their roles and responsibilities is essential for meeting deadlines with quality results.

Finally, communication should be at the forefront to keep your team connected throughout every stage of development. Regular check-ins should include updates on progress towards achieving established milestones and giving everyone permission to voice their questions or concerns if needed so they can stay focused on delivering successful results. 

By adequately estimating the level of effort while considering all relevant resources and communication needs during a Salesforce project management process, teams can ensure that projects are completed on time with quality results – helping them become superheroes at work!



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Know How to Calculate the Amount of Work Required for a Project

1. Define the scope of the project

The first step in calculating the amount of work required for a project is to define the project’s scope. This means determining what tasks need to be completed to complete the project. Once the project’s scope is defined, you can estimate how long each task will take.

2. Estimate the time required for each task

The second step in calculating the work required for a project is to estimate the time required for each task. This can be done by considering how long it would take to complete the task if you were working alone and had no other distractions. Once you have estimated the time required for each task, you can begin to add up the total time required for all tasks.

3. Add up the total time required for all tasks

Once you have estimated the time required for each task, you can add up the total time required for all tasks to get an estimate of the total work required for the project. Remember that this number is only an estimate and that the amount of work may vary depending on factors such as unforeseen circumstances or changes in scope.

4. Consider other factors that may impact work hours

There are a few other factors that you should consider when estimating the amount of work required for a project. One factor is whether or not there are any deadlines associated with the project. If there are deadlines, you will need to factor in additional time to account for them. Another factor to consider is whether or not there are any dependencies associated with the project. A dependency must be completed before another task can be started. For example, if you are building a house, one dependency would be getting approval from the city before construction begins.

5. Make adjustments as needed

As you begin working on a project, you may find that your original estimates were too high or too low. If this happens, you will need to adjust your estimates accordingly. Additionally, if any changes are made to the project scope, you must adjust your estimates accordingly.

6. Keep track of actual hours (or days) worked

Once you estimate the amount of work required for a project, keeping track of actual hours (or days) worked is essential, comparing your estimate to reality. This will help you to improve your estimation skills over time and will also help you to identify any areas where your projects tend to run over budget

Learn How to Estimate Timeframes for Completing a Project

Estimating the time needed to complete a project can be challenging, but it is essential to successful project management. To accurately estimate the timeframe for completing a project, you need to create a timeline and break down the work into manageable steps.

Step 1: Confirm Project Scope & Underlying Tasks

First, you should discuss the project’s scope with stakeholders, such as managers and colleagues involved in the project. Then, identify all the tasks that need to be completed and any potential risks or complications that could arise along the way.

Step 2: Estimate time to work on each task

Once you have identified all the necessary steps in the process, you will need to assign each task for a specific duration. For tasks that do not have established timelines, it is essential to assess how long each task may take and factor in potential delays or difficulties that may arise due to external factors. This will help you determine a realistic timeline for completing each step in your project plan. When estimating timeframes for each task, it can be helpful to consider benchmarks from similar projects to get an idea of how long specific processes may take.

Step 3: Identify task dependencies

In addition to considering how long tasks may take individually, it is also essential to keep track of dependencies between tasks. This means understanding which steps must be done before others can be started and factoring this into your timeline. Generally speaking, dependencies tend to make projects more complicated and require more time than if all tasks were independent. 

Step 4: Include safety buffer for additional requirements

Another aspect to consider when estimating project timeframes is accounting for additional requirements that come up along the way that weren’t initially included in your scope of work. These changes in scope can drastically alter timelines and costs associated with completing a project, so it’s crucial to account for them accordingly when creating your timeline estimates. 

Step 5: Keep stakeholders updated

Finally, stakeholders must be regularly updated on progress throughout all stages of development to provide feedback and input when necessary while allowing enough space for creative exploration on behalf of those working on the project. By considering these steps when estimating timelines for completing projects, Salesforce Admins will be able to successfully manage their projects from start to finish without sacrificing quality or overrunning deadlines – ultimately enabling them to become true superheroes at work!

Communicate Effectively With Stakeholders About the Level of Effort

When working on a Salesforce project, it’s essential to understand how to communicate effectively with stakeholders about the level of effort required. Communication should extend beyond simply describing tasks and roles and explaining any potential changes that may arise along the way. Stakeholders need to be aware early on of any additional work that may be required, as well as any complications that could potentially impact the timeline or budget for the project

To effectively communicate expectations for a Salesforce project, several steps involve: First, gather all relevant stakeholders at an early stage to get their buy-in and discuss any areas of disagreement. Establishing clear objectives and determining who is responsible for what tasks is essential to success. Additionally, it’s important to get agreement on the resources available (time, budget, personnel) before diving into the specifics of the project plan. 

Once stakeholders understand and agree on expectations up front, they will better understand how those expectations can change later down the road when unforeseen circumstances arise. As such, it’s crucial to outline scenarios ahead of time where additional effort or changes in direction might be needed due to unforeseen limitations or opportunities that present themselves during development. Having contingencies beforehand allows all parties to understand how these scenarios affect timelines, budgets, and personnel requirements. 

Additionally, it’s worthwhile for teams to define a process for regularly evaluating progress against objectives throughout development to ensure progress remains aligned with expectations. This could involve regular check-ins between team members and scheduled stakeholder updates outlining successes and challenges encountered along the way; either way, this provides an opportunity for course corrections if needed – before too much time has been invested in a path leading away from initial objectives – as well as acknowledgment of achievements thus far. 

Effective communication with stakeholders about the level of effort when working on a Salesforce project requires planning ahead so that everyone knows what is expected from them going in and understands what might come up throughout development if necessary adjustments have to be made along the way. When teams prioritize communication up front, they are better prepared to handle whatever comes their way while still meeting deadlines and staying within budget limits. Doing so not only leads to smoother execution of projects but also leaves stakeholders feeling like they’re part of something bigger – something worthy of their attention – which can often result in greater job satisfaction among team members and collective recognition upon completion or launch of successful projects.


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Use Tools and Templates to Document the Level of Effort

Salesforce Admins must use appropriate tools and templates when documenting the effort involved in a Salesforce project. Doing this allows project managers to communicate better the level of effort required to business leaders within the organization. This information helps everyone understand a project’s scope, timeline, and cost so that they can make informed decisions.

When salesforce admins properly document a project’s level of effort using tools and templates, they can convey the time and resources needed. They can provide more granular detail about how long each task will take and how much it will cost in terms of labor hours or other resources. This makes it easier for business leaders to judge whether or not a proposed project is feasible and if it fits into their overall budgeting goals.

Tools and templates also help ensure project consistency by providing standard guidelines for documenting the level of effort. This makes it easier for project managers and business leaders to compare different projects on an apples-to-apples basis. By standardizing documentation practices, organizations can better understand what kind of resources they need compared to what they have available to complete their projects successfully.

In addition, using tools and templates can save time by allowing Salesforce Admins to quickly create documents that accurately reflect the complexity and scale of their projects. By filling out pre-made forms instead of manually creating them from scratch every time, Salesforce Admins can spend less time on paperwork and more time tackling actual tasks related to their projects. 

Finally, detailed documentation simplifies processes such as budget revisions or resource allocation adjustments. Business leaders can easily see which areas require additional investment without spending too much time examining each element separately — thus enabling them to make informed decisions quickly when changes arise mid-project due to unexpected circumstances. 

In sum, using tools and templates when documenting the level of effort required for Salesforce projects goes a long way toward improving communication between teams working on those projects — ultimately leading to smoother execution with fewer issues along the way.


Approximating the level of effort is something that all project managers need to do regularly. Still, it can be challenging when changes are introduced in the middle of a project. By following these steps and communicating effectively with your team, you can ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the project stays on track.

Do you have other tips for approximating the effort needed for Salesforce projects?

Share them in the comments below!


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